The 8 Best Free GMAT Prep Resources (and 3 Cheap Ones)


Need to prepare for the GMAT on a budget? Look no further.

In this article, I’ve collected the eight best free GMAT prep resources available, as well as three great inexpensive practice materials if you have a bit of cash to spend. GMAT practice materials can get expensive fast, but with these resources, you won’t break the bank prepping for the exam. Continue reading “The 8 Best Free GMAT Prep Resources (and 3 Cheap Ones)”

5 Top Tips for Using the GMATPrep Software


If you’re preparing for the GMAT or getting ready to prepare for the GMAT, you’ve likely heard about GMATPrep, the software that’s one of the most essential tools for studying for the GMAT.

In this guide, I’ll give you an in-depth look at GMATPrep software and talk about exactly what makes it an important part of your GMAT preparation. I’ll also discuss the ways it can and can’t help you, so you can supplement your use of GMATPrep with other materials as needed. Finally, I’ll offer several tips for how to make the most of GMATPrep as you study.

Continue reading “5 Top Tips for Using the GMATPrep Software”

The 5 Best GMAT Integrated Reasoning Books


Are you worried about the GMAT integrated reasoning section? You’re not alone. Many students find the integrated reasoning section difficult to understand and to prepare for.

In this article, I’ll guide you through the best prep books and other materials available to help you succeed on IR questions, as well as offer some tips for GMAT integrated reasoning prep. By the end, you’ll be more than ready to start your Integrated Reasoning prep. Continue reading “The 5 Best GMAT Integrated Reasoning Books”

Read This Review Before You Buy Princeton Review’s Cracking the GMAT


Princeton Review’s Cracking the GMAT Premium 2018 is one of the most popular GMAT prep materials out there, but does it live up to its reputation? With all the GMAT prep materials on the market, it’s not always easy to know which ones to choose.

I’ll help you through the process, beginning with a guide to the traits to look for in a GMAT prep resource, followed by an in-depth review of Princeton Review’s Cracking the GMAT Premium 2018, including its pros and cons, who would benefit most from it, and how best to incorporate it into your overall GMAT prep. Continue reading “Read This Review Before You Buy Princeton Review’s Cracking the GMAT”

Kaplan GMAT Book Review: Is It Right For You?


There are a lot of options out there for GMAT prep. You can purchase online programs, books, apps, flashcards, and more. It can be hard to determine which prep option is the best for you.

In this guide, I’ll give you an in-depth look at one of the best selling GMAT prep books out there: Kaplan GMAT Premier 2017. First, I’ll talk about what makes a good GMAT prep book. Second, I’ll give an overview of the Kaplan GMAT review book, including what’s in the book and how much it costs. Next, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of the Kaplan GMAT book. Then, I’ll help you decide whether or not this book is the right one for you. Finally, I’ll tell you how to get the most out of the Kaplan GMAT book if you choose to purchase it.

Continue reading “Kaplan GMAT Book Review: Is It Right For You?”

How Online GMAT Prep Can Raise Your Score

whitemacbookPreparing for the GMAT? You might’ve noticed that there are tons of online GMAT prep options available to you, from books to courses to flashcards to practice tests and question sets. But how can you find the right option for your needs? And how can you make sure that the online resource you’re using is high quality and effective?

In this guide, I’ll talk about why it’s important to prepare for the GMAT test online, what you should look for in online GMAT prep resources, and review the best online GMAT practice that you can use in your studying.

Continue reading “How Online GMAT Prep Can Raise Your Score”

The Best GMAT Study Guide: Format, Tips, and Practice

pexels-photo-203237If you’ve decided to go to business school, you’re probably started to think about studying for the GMAT. Preparing for the GMAT can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What should you buy? What should your study plan look like?

In this GMAT study guide, I’ll walk you through the GMAT study process from start to finish. First, I’ll talk about why studying for the GMAT is worth the time and effort. Next, I’ll talk about the GMAT itself – the format of the test and what it covers. Then, I’ll give a brief overview of each of the sections of test, discussing the content and format of each.

After that, I’ll move into talking about how to set a goal score, create your GMAT study plan, and stick to it. Finally, I’ll talk about the practice itself. I’ll tell you where to find study materials and give you some tried and true study strategies for both the test as a whole and each individual section.

By the end, you’ll have a clear idea of where to start to study for the GMAT.

Continue reading “The Best GMAT Study Guide: Format, Tips, and Practice”

The 9 Best GMAT Quizzes and How to Use Them

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If you’re preparing for the GMAT, you probably know that you’ll need to take full-length practice tests. But what if you want to incorporate drills of particular skills or shorter study sessions into your prep routine, or want to study for the GMAT at least a bit every day? That’s where a GMAT practice quiz can help.

In this article, I’ll go over what makes a GMAT quiz worthwhile, as well as where to find the nine best GMAT practice quizzes and how to make the best use of GMAT quizzes in your exam prep. Continue reading “The 9 Best GMAT Quizzes and How to Use Them”

The 9 Best GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Resources


Concerned about the reading comprehension questions on the GMAT? Don’t worry! They may be tricky at first, but with a little practice you’ll know exactly how to tackle them.

In this article, I’ll go over the best official and unofficial practice resources for GMAT reading comprehension practice, as well as the three top preparation tips to make sure you’re ready to ace these questions on test day. Continue reading “The 9 Best GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Resources”

The Best GMAT Diagnostic Test + 13 Tips to Plan Your Prep

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So you’re ready to start studying for the GMAT! Great…but how do you start? The best way to kick off your exam prep is with a GMAT diagnostic test, which will help you see where your score is starting off, how much you need to improve, what kinds of prep resources you’ll need, and how to craft the perfect study plan for yourself.

In this article, I’ll go over where to find the best free GMAT diagnostic test, how to analyze your test results, and tips for customizing an effective study plan just for you.

Continue reading “The Best GMAT Diagnostic Test + 13 Tips to Plan Your Prep”