Does the GMAT test you on vocabulary? What vocab words or phrases will you need to know to succeed on the GMAT? In this article, I’ll give you a foundational GMAT vocabulary list and study strategies for learning the GMAT vocab that will help you excel on the exam. Continue reading “The Only 20 GMAT Vocabulary Words You Must Know”
Tag: what’s on the gmat
Need to know what’s on the GMAT? These are our best guides to GMAT content and prep.
GMAT FAQ: 22 of Your Biggest Questions, Answered
Studying for and planning to take the GMAT can be a confusing process. No wonder you have questions!
We’ll answer all the key GMAT FAQs right here, covering a wide range of issues such as logistics; content, planning, and preparation; format and delivery; scores; and business school admissions. Continue reading “GMAT FAQ: 22 of Your Biggest Questions, Answered”
The Best GMAT Study Guide: Format, Tips, and Practice
If you’ve decided to go to business school, you’re probably started to think about studying for the GMAT. Preparing for the GMAT can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What should you buy? What should your study plan look like?
In this GMAT study guide, I’ll walk you through the GMAT study process from start to finish. First, I’ll talk about why studying for the GMAT is worth the time and effort. Next, I’ll talk about the GMAT itself – the format of the test and what it covers. Then, I’ll give a brief overview of each of the sections of test, discussing the content and format of each.
After that, I’ll move into talking about how to set a goal score, create your GMAT study plan, and stick to it. Finally, I’ll talk about the practice itself. I’ll tell you where to find study materials and give you some tried and true study strategies for both the test as a whole and each individual section.
By the end, you’ll have a clear idea of where to start to study for the GMAT.
Continue reading “The Best GMAT Study Guide: Format, Tips, and Practice”