The 11 Best GMAT Reading Comprehension Strategies


The reading comprehension part of the GMAT Verbal section can be intimidating at first. You have to glean key ideas and information from dense, jargon-filled passages, which probably don’t resemble the kinds of articles you read for fun.

Luckily, whether you love these kinds of passage-based questions or they fill your heart with dread, there are a number of tried-and-true strategies that you can use to improve your score. In this post, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks you need to ace GMAT reading comprehension—including how to approach the passages overall, how to attack the questions, and how to pace yourself so that you spend just the right amount of time on them.

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Master GMAT Critical Reasoning: Time-Saving Strategy [Video]

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GMAT Critical Reasoning questions come in a variety of different flavors — strengthen, weaken, evaluate, complete, etc. However, the vast majority of Critical Reasoning GMAT questions center around one thing: identifying the conclusion of the argument. Because of this, the conclusion is the most important part of the passage.

In this video, we’ll go over a strategy for mastering GMAT Critical Reasoning questions that will help you hone in on the most important parts of Critical Reasoning passages for faster and more effective reading.

First, we’ll learn that keyword skimming is one of the best GMAT Critical Reasoning tips. We’ll discuss the two types of keywords that are used to signal conclusions on Critical Reasoning GMAT passages: cause and effect keywords (“since”, “because”, “therefore”, “so”, “as a consequence”, etc.) and more traditional conclusion keywords (“clearly”, “conclusion”, etc.).

Then, we’ll walk through the strategy for approaching GMAT Critical Reasoning passages:

1. Skim for a cause and effect or conclusion keyword
2. Read the sentence it’s in (that’s our conclusion)
3. Read the rest of the argument as necessary based on the question

We’ll look at how this strategy can be applied across a few real Critical Reasoning GMAT questions, pointing out how different passages have different structures.

Finally, we’ll look at some of the other applications of keyword skimming on the GMAT, in both GMAT Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension passages.

Watch the video to learn more!

To stay updated on our latest GMAT videos, you can subscribe to our new PrepScholar GMAT YouTube channel — we’ll have three new free videos every month.

Happy GMAT Critical Reasoning studies!

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How to Find Hidden Errors in GMAT Sentence Correction [Video]

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GMAT Sentence Correction questions involve sentences that are long, heavily punctuated, and very confusing. Test makers create these convoluted sentences on purpose to make it harder for students to find and identify sentence errors.

In this video, we’ll go over the number one trick for Sentence Correction GMAT questions that will help you catch these hidden grammar errors in sentence structure, agreement, tense, parallelism, idioms, and more.

First, we’ll learn that the trick to cracking these difficult GMAT Sentence Correction questions is to simplify the sentence by cutting extra, descriptive information out of the sentence. Then, I’ll explain the two steps to cutting out extra information:

  1. getting rid of pieces of the sentence that are set off by commas.
  2. getting rid of adjective and adverb phrases.

To illustrate these two steps, we’ll walk through how to apply them in context of a real, 700-level GMAT Sentence Correction question taken from the GMATPrep Software released by GMAC. Finally, we’ll use our new, simplified sentence to identify critical grammar errors and solve the problem.

Watch the video to learn more!



To stay updated on our latest GMAT videos, you can subscribe to our new PrepScholar GMAT YouTube channel — we’ll have three new free videos every month.

Happy GMAT Sentence Correction studies!

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The 5 Hardest GMAT Sentence Correction Questions


For many GMAT test takers, hard Sentence Correction questions are what stand between them and a top Verbal score. But what do the hardest GMAT Sentence Correction questions look like? What skills and concepts do they test? What do they have in common? What strategies can we use to get these GMAT Verbal questions right?

In this article, I’ll go over the five hardest GMAT Sentence Correction questions, what you’ll need to know to solve them, how to approach them on test day, and what we can learn from hard GMAT questions about mastering Sentence Correction.

Continue reading “The 5 Hardest GMAT Sentence Correction Questions”

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Which vs. That on the GMAT: What’s the Difference?


What’s the difference between “which” and “that”? When is it correct to use one or the other? What kinds of questions will you see about them on the GMAT? These are all great questions. The good news: that vs. which GMAT sentence correction questions aren’t as tough as they appear—even if you’re not a native English speaker.

In this post, we’ll give you all the rules you need to know about which vs. that GMAT questions, an in-depth breakdown of all the kinds of sentence correction questions that test this concept, and some tips for easily distinguishing between the two pronouns (even in long, complex sentence constructions)! By the time we’re done, you’ll be able to nail any that vs. which GMAT question that comes your way.
Continue reading “Which vs. That on the GMAT: What’s the Difference?”

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93 GMAT Idioms and How to Use Them


You might have seen GMAT idiom lists in prep materials or heard students talk about memorizing idioms for the GMAT. But how are idioms actually tested on the GMAT? How much do they really matter? And how can you familiarize yourself with them before the exam?

In this article, I’ll go over what an idiom means in the context of the GMAT, how idioms are tested on the exam, and top tips for learning common idiomatic expressions, including how to create effective GMAT idiom flashcards. In addition, I’ll provide you with a GMAT idioms list of the 93 most common GMAT idiomatic expressions and examples of each one. Continue reading “93 GMAT Idioms and How to Use Them”

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The 11 Best GMAT Verbal Tricks and Tips

feature_gerundwordmapThe GMAT Verbal section is notoriously difficult to do well on: a perfect score is 51, but only 1% of people score above 45. Luckily, there are some GMAT Verbal tricks and tips that you can quickly implement to maximize your performance.

In this post, we’ll give you the best overall GMAT Verbal tricks as well as the best tips for each question type, including sentence correction, critical reasoning, and reading comprehension. By the end, you’ll know all the key tricks and tips you can start using right away to improve your Verbal section score.

Continue reading “The 11 Best GMAT Verbal Tricks and Tips”

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8 Expert Tips for GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions


Critical reasoning questions often worry GMAT test-takers. What exactly are GMAT critical reasoning questions, and what skills do you need to develop to answer them correctly? How can you best prepare for critical reasoning questions before the exam?

In this article, I’ll go over the five main critical reasoning question types and examples of each one, as well as plenty of GMAT critical reasoning tips on how to ace these question types come exam day. Continue reading “8 Expert Tips for GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions”

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8 Top Tips for GMAT Sentence Correction Questions


What are GMAT sentence correction questions? What skills and concepts do they test? What are the most effective GMAT sentence correction tips?

In this article, I’ll go over the format of sentence correction questions on the exam, the grammar concepts you’ll need to know to complete them, a few examples of the most common sentence correction error types, and how best to prepare for these tricky questions before you take the GMAT. Continue reading “8 Top Tips for GMAT Sentence Correction Questions”

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The 9 Best GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Resources


Concerned about the reading comprehension questions on the GMAT? Don’t worry! They may be tricky at first, but with a little practice you’ll know exactly how to tackle them.

In this article, I’ll go over the best official and unofficial practice resources for GMAT reading comprehension practice, as well as the three top preparation tips to make sure you’re ready to ace these questions on test day. Continue reading “The 9 Best GMAT Reading Comprehension Practice Resources”

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