Integers are one of the key recurring elements on the GMAT Quant section, so if you’ve started studying, you probably have some questions. What is an integer? Is zero an integer? What does it mean if integers are consecutive?
The good news is, you’ve almost certainly learned everything you need to know about working with integers in middle and early high school math. The bad news is that these rules and properties have probably been relegated to dusty, moss-ridden corner of your brain—and even if they haven’t, you’re going to have to apply them in novel ways on the exam.
Luckily, you’ve come to the right place! In this post, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about integers for the GMAT. We’ll give you a refresher on all the relevant rules and properties of integers, tips and tricks for every kind of integer question you’ll see on the GMAT, and some example questions with thorough explanations so you can see these strategies in action.
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